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Please make sure you have read the Tag Syntax document and understand how tag attribute syntax works.


Include a servlet’s output (result of servlet or a JSP page)

Note: Any additional params supplied to the included page are not accessible within the rendered page through the <s:property.../> tag since no ValueStack will be created. You can, however, access them in a servlet via the HttpServletRequest object or from a JSP page via a scriptlet.

How to access parameters

Parameters are passed as request parameters, so use the ${param.paramName} notation to access them. Do not use the <s:property/> tag to access parameters in included files.

Below it’s an example how you can access parameters passed into the included page:

with scope:

<s:set var="innerName" scope="page">${param.paramName}</s:set>
<s:property value="#attr.innerName"/>

with no scope:

<s:set var="innerName">${param.paramName}</s:set>
<s:property value="innerName"/>
<s:property value="#attr.innerName"/>
<s:property value="#innerName"/>

Note: You can access such params without using JSTL, just use ${param.paramName} notation.


Dynamic Attributes Allowed:








performClearTagStateForTagPoolingServers false false false Boolean Whether to clear all tag state during doEndTag() processing (if applicable)
value true false String The jsp/servlet output to include


Example 1

<s:include value="myJsp.jsp" />

do an include myJsp.jsp page

Example 2

<s:include value="myJsp.jsp">
   <s:param name="param1" value="value2" />
   <s:param name="param2" value="value2" />

do an include to myJsp.jsp page with parameters param1=value1 and param2=value2

Example 3

<s:include value="myJsp.jsp">
   <s:param name="param1">value1</s:param>
   <s:param name="param2">value2</s:param>

do an include to myJsp.jsp page with parameters param1=value1 and param2=value2

Example 4

accessing passed parameters in the included page

with scope:

<s:set var="param1" scope="page">${param.param1}</s:set>
<s:property value="#attr.param1"/>

with no scope:

<s:set var="param2">${param.param2}</s:set>
<s:property value="param2"/>

<s:property value="#attr.param2"/>
<s:property value="#param2"/>