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NOTE: Ajax template (Dojo plugin) is deprecated and won’t be supported any longer.


This tag will generate event listeners for multiple events on multiple sources, making an asynchronous request to the specified href, and updating multiple targets.

There’s a bug in IE6/IE7 which makes impossible to use the target’s attribute with a parent Div, because such Div’s content’s are overwritten with the tag’s loadingText . Resulting in an “undefined” message in the content’s, instead of the result of the request.

One possible alternative is to set showLoadingText=”false” and set the indicator attribute to an element showing the desired loading text or image (outside the div).

<img id="loadingImage" src="images/loadingAnimation.gif" style="display:none"/>
<s:div id="parentDiv">
    <s:form action="actionName">
        <s:submit id="btn" />
        <sx:bind sources="btn" events="onclick" targets="parentDiv" showLoadingText="false" indicator="loadingImage"/>


Dynamic Attributes Allowed:








afterNotifyTopics false false String Comma delimmited list of topics that will published after the request(if the request succeeds)
ajaxAfterValidation false false false Boolean Make an asynchronous request if validation succeeds. Only valid is 'validate' is 'true'
beforeNotifyTopics false false String Comma delimmited list of topics that will published before the request
errorNotifyTopics false false String Comma delimmited list of topics that will published after the request(if the request fails)
errorText false false String The text to display to the user if the is an error fetching the content
events false false String Comma delimited list of event names to attach to
executeScripts false false false Boolean Javascript code in the fetched content will be executed
formFilter false false String Function name used to filter the fields of the form.
formId false false String Form id whose fields will be serialized and passed as parameters
handler false false String Javascript function name that will make the request
highlightColor false none false String Color used to perform a highlight effect on the elements specified in the 'targets' attribute
highlightDuration false 2000 false Integer Duration of highlight effect in milliseconds. Only valid if 'highlightColor' attribute is set
href false false String The URL to call to obtain the content. Note: If used with ajax context, the value must be set as an url tag value.
id false false String The id to use for the element
indicator false false String Id of element that will be shown while making request
listenTopics false false String Topic that will trigger the remote call
loadingText false Loading... false String Text to be shown while content is being fetched
notifyTopics false false String Comma delimmited list of topics that will published before and after the request, and on errors
separateScripts false true false String Run scripts in a separate scope, unique for each tag
showErrorTransportText false true false Boolean Set whether errors will be shown or not
showLoadingText false false false Boolean Show loading text on targets
sources false false String Comma delimited list of ids of the elements to attach to
targets false false String Comma delimited list of ids of the elements whose content will be updated
transport false XMLHTTPTransport false String Transport used by Dojo to make the request
validate false false false Boolean Perform Ajax validation. 'ajaxValidation' interceptor must be applied to action


Without attaching to an event, listening to a topic (used to make an Ajax call):

 <sx:bind href="%{#ajaxTest}" listenTopics="/makecall"/>
 <s:submit onclick="dojo.event.topic.publish('/makecall')"/>

Attached to event ‘onclick’ on submit button:

 <img id="indicator" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/images/indicator.gif" alt="Loading..." style="display:none"/>
 <sx:bind id="ex1" href="%{#ajaxTest}" sources="button" targets="div1" events="onclick" indicator="indicator" />
 <s:submit theme="simple" type="submit" value="submit" id="button"/>

Submit form:

 <sx:bind id="ex3" href="%{#ajaxTest}" sources="chk1" targets="div1" events="onchange" formId="form1" />
 <form id="form1">
     <s:checkbox name="data" label="Hit me" id="chk1"/>

Using beforeNotifyTopics:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. before request');
     //event: set event.cancel = true, to cancel request
     //widget: widget that published the topic
 <input type="button" id="button"> 
 <sx:bind id="ex1" href="%{#ajaxTest}" beforeNotifyTopics="/before" sources="button" events="onclick"/> 

Using afterNotifyTopics and highlight:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/after", function(data, request, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. after request');
     //data : text returned from request(the html)
     //request: XMLHttpRequest object
     //widget: widget that published the topic
 <input type="button" id="button">
 <sx:bind id="ex1" href="%{#ajaxTest}" highlightColor="red" afterNotifyTopics="/after" sources="button" events="onclick"/>

Using errorNotifyTopics and indicator:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/error", function(error, request, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. on error');
     //error : error object (error.message has the error message)
     //request: XMLHttpRequest object
     //widget: widget that published the topic
 <input type="button" id="button">
 <img id="ind1" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/images/indicator.gif" style="display:none"/>
 <sx:bind href="%{#ajaxTest}" indicator="ind1" errorNotifyTopics="/error" sources="button" events="onclick"/>

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