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Building Struts Master

Building Steps (Struts)

Obtain a fresh checkout

git clone

Change site target

Apply needed changes, in most cases it will be upgrade to the latest Apache Parent POM, eg. from 9 to 10, commit the change.

Prepare release

Tag the release by using the “release:prepare” goal of Maven:

mvn release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true

For a dry run, add -DdryRun=true. If you do a dry run, use mvn release:clean to clean up after you have looked at the output.

When prompted for the SCM tag name, follow this pattern: STRUTS_MASTER_[PATCH_VERSION]

If for some reason, the release plugin might fail to tag the release, if it fails, run:

mvn release:prepare -Dresume 

This step will (more information):

Perform the release

mvn release:perform

This step will (more information):

After this step the artifacts will be hosted by Nexus

If you need to run perform again, (or in a different box), do:

git co tags/$VERSION
mvn deploy site-deploy --no-plugin-updates -DperformRelease=true 

Next, log in to Nexus and close staging repository.

Announce availability

Send a short e-mail to dev@struts.a.o informing about the new packages and to give people enough time to test the distribution (actual bits). Wait around a week before posting Vote. If no show-stoppers reported, start a vote thread for build quality designation.

The new build is available from staging repository:[PATCH_VERSION]/

Vote on it

Post a release/quality vote to the dev list (and only the dev list). The example mail is on Sample Announcements page.

If the vote result is for an ASF release (i.e. not test build), update site, announce. If the vote result is for GA, push to central.

Promote release

Log in again to Nexus and release the repository, it will be automatically replicated across Maven Repositories

See Releasing a Maven-based project for further details.

Wait for rsync

Wait 2-6 hours before proceeding.

Post announcements

We leave this as the last step, once the artifacts have had time to sync up on the mirrors. Target it to:

samples are available at Sample announcements page.