Class PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder extends Object implements ActionConfigBuilder
This class implements the ActionConfigBuilder interface.
  • Constructor Details

    • PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder

      public PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder(Configuration configuration, Container container, ObjectFactory objectFactory, String redirectToSlash, String defaultParentPackage, String enableSmiInheritance)
      Constructs actions based on a list of packages.
      configuration - The XWork configuration that the new package configs and action configs are added to.
      container - Xwork Container
      objectFactory - The ObjectFactory used to create the actions and such.
      redirectToSlash - A boolean parameter that controls whether or not this will create an action for indexes. If this is set to true, index actions are not created because the unknown handler will redirect from /foo to /foo/. The only action that is created is to the empty action in the namespace (e.g. the namespace /foo and the action "").
      enableSmiInheritance - A boolean parameter, which determines if a newly created package config inherits the SMI value of its parent package config
      defaultParentPackage - The default parent package for all the configuration.
  • Method Details

    • setDevMode

      public void setDevMode(String mode)
    • setProviderAllowlist

      public void setProviderAllowlist(ProviderAllowlist providerAllowlist)
    • setReload

      public void setReload(String reload)
      reload - Reload configuration when classes change. Defaults to "false" and should not be used in production.
    • setSlashesInActionNames

      public void setSlashesInActionNames(String slashesInActionNames)
    • setExcludeParentClassLoader

      public void setExcludeParentClassLoader(String exclude)
      exclude - Exclude URLs found by the parent class loader. Defaults to "true", set to true for JBoss
    • setAlwaysMapExecute

      public void setAlwaysMapExecute(String alwaysMapExecute)
      alwaysMapExecute - If this constant is true, and there is an "execute" method(not annotated), a mapping will be added pointing to it, even if there are other mapping in the class
    • setFileProtocols

      public void setFileProtocols(String fileProtocols)
      File URLs whose protocol are in these list will be processed as jars containing classes
      fileProtocols - Comma separated list of file protocols that will be considered as jar files and scanned
    • setDisableActionScanning

      public void setDisableActionScanning(String disableActionScanning)
      disableActionScanning - Disable scanning for actions
    • setIncludeJars

      public void setIncludeJars(String includeJars)
      includeJars - Comma separated list of regular expressions of jars to be included.
    • setDisablePackageLocatorsScanning

      public void setDisablePackageLocatorsScanning(String disablePackageLocatorsScanning)
      disablePackageLocatorsScanning - If set to true, only the named packages will be scanned
    • setActionPackages

      public void setActionPackages(String actionPackages)
      actionPackages - (Optional) An optional list of action packages that this should create configuration for.
    • setCheckImplementsAction

      public void setCheckImplementsAction(String checkImplementsAction)
      checkImplementsAction - (Optional) Map classes that implement org.apache.struts2.Action as actions
    • setActionSuffix

      public void setActionSuffix(String actionSuffix)
      actionSuffix - (Optional) Classes that end with these value will be mapped as actions (defaults to "Action")
    • setExcludePackages

      public void setExcludePackages(String excludePackages)
      excludePackages - (Optional) A list of packages that should be skipped when building configuration.
    • setPackageLocators

      public void setPackageLocators(String packageLocators)
      packageLocators - (Optional) A list of names used to find action packages.
    • setPackageLocatorsBase

      public void setPackageLocatorsBase(String packageLocatorsBasePackage)
      packageLocatorsBasePackage - (Optional) If set, only packages that start with this name will be scanned for actions.
    • setMapAllMatches

      public void setMapAllMatches(String mapAllMatches)
      mapAllMatches - (Optional) Map actions that match the "*${Suffix}" pattern even if they don't have a default method. The mapping from the url to the action will be delegated the action mapper.
    • setEagerLoading

      public void setEagerLoading(String eagerLoading)
      eagerLoading - (Optional) If set, found action classes will be instantiated by the ObjectFactory to accelerate future use setting it up can clash with Spring managed beans
    • setFileManagerFactory

      public void setFileManagerFactory(FileManagerFactory fileManagerFactory)
    • setClassFinderFactory

      public void setClassFinderFactory(ClassFinderFactory classFinderFactory)
    • initReloadClassLoader

      protected void initReloadClassLoader()
    • getClassLoader

      protected ClassLoader getClassLoader()
    • buildActionConfigs

      public void buildActionConfigs()
      Builds the action configurations by loading all classes in the packages specified by the property struts.convention.action.packages and then figuring out which classes implement Action or have Action in their name. Next, if this class is in a Java package that hasn't been inspected a new PackageConfig (XWork) is created for that Java package using the Java package name. This will contain all the ActionConfigs for all the Action classes that are discovered within that Java package. Next, each class is inspected for the ParentPackage annotation which is used to control the parent package for a specific action. Lastly, the ResultMapBuilder is used to create ResultConfig instances of the action.
      Specified by:
      buildActionConfigs in interface ActionConfigBuilder
    • getClassLoaderInterface

      protected ClassLoaderInterface getClassLoaderInterface()
    • isReloadEnabled

      protected boolean isReloadEnabled()
    • findActions

      protected Set<Class<?>> findActions()
    • buildClassFinder

      protected ClassFinder buildClassFinder(Test<String> classPackageTest, List<URL> urls)
    • includeClassNameInActionScan

      protected boolean includeClassNameInActionScan(String className)
      Note that we can't include the test for actionSuffix here because a class is included if its name ends in actionSuffix OR it implements Action. Since the whole goal is to avoid loading the class if we don't have to, the (actionSuffix || implements Action) test will have to remain until later. See getActionClassTest() for the test performed on the loaded ClassFinder.ClassInfo structure.
      className - the name of the class to test
      true if the specified class should be included in the package-based action scan
    • checkExcludePackages

      protected boolean checkExcludePackages(String classPackageName)
      Checks if provided class package is on the exclude list
      classPackageName - name of class package
      false if class package is on the excludePackages list
    • checkActionPackages

      protected boolean checkActionPackages(String classPackageName)
      Checks if class package match provided list of action packages
      classPackageName - name of class package
      true if class package is on the actionPackages list
    • checkPackageLocators

      protected boolean checkPackageLocators(String classPackageName)
      Checks if class package match provided list of package locators
      classPackageName - name of class package
      true if class package is on the packageLocators list
    • getClassPackageTest

      protected Test<String> getClassPackageTest()
      Construct a Test object that determines if a specified class name should be included in the package scan based on the clazz's package name. Note that the goal is to avoid loading the class, so the test should only rely on information in the class name itself. The default implementation is to return the result of includeClassNameInActionScan(String).
      a Test object that returns true if the specified class name should be included in the package scan
    • getActionClassTest

      protected Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> getActionClassTest()
      Construct a Test Object that determines if a specified class should be included in the package scan based on the full ClassFinder.ClassInfo of the class. At this point, the class has been loaded, so it's ok to perform tests such as checking annotations or looking at interfaces or super-classes of the specified class.
      a Test object that returns true if the specified class should be included in the package scan
    • buildConfiguration

      protected void buildConfiguration(Set<Class<?>> classes)
    • cannotInstantiate

      protected boolean cannotInstantiate(Class<?> actionClass)
      Interfaces, enums, annotations, and abstract classes cannot be instantiated.
      actionClass - class to check
      returns true if the class cannot be instantiated or should be ignored
    • determineActionNamespace

      protected List<String> determineActionNamespace(Class<?> actionClass)
      Determines the namespace(s) for the action based on the action class. If there is a Namespace annotation on the class (including parent classes) or on the package that the class is in, than it is used. Otherwise, the Java package name that the class is in is used in conjunction with either the struts.convention.action.packages or struts.convention.package.locators configuration values. These are used to determine which part of the Java package name should be converted into the namespace for the XWork PackageConfig.
      actionClass - The action class.
      The namespace or an empty string.
    • determineActionName

      protected String determineActionName(Class<?> actionClass)
      Converts the class name into an action name using the ActionNameBuilder.
      actionClass - The action class.
      The action name.
    • getActionAnnotations

      protected Map<String,List<Action>> getActionAnnotations(Class<?> actionClass)
      Locates all of the Actions and Action annotations on methods within the Action class and its parent classes.
      actionClass - The action class.
      The list of annotations or an empty list if there are none.
    • checkActionsAnnotation

      protected List<Action> checkActionsAnnotation(Actions actionsAnnotation)
      Builds a list of actions from an @Actions annotation, and check that they are not all empty
      actionsAnnotation - Actions annotation
      a list of Actions
    • createActionConfig

      protected void createActionConfig(PackageConfig.Builder pkgCfg, Class<?> actionClass, String actionName, String actionMethod, Action annotation, Set<String> allowedMethods)
      Creates a single ActionConfig object.
      pkgCfg - The package the action configuration instance will belong to.
      actionClass - The action class.
      actionName - The name of the action.
      actionMethod - The method that the annotation was on (if the annotation is not null) or the default method (execute).
      annotation - The ActionName annotation that might override the action name and possibly
    • buildExceptionMappings

      protected List<ExceptionMappingConfig> buildExceptionMappings(ExceptionMapping[] exceptions, String actionName)
    • getPackageConfig

      protected PackageConfig.Builder getPackageConfig(Map<String,PackageConfig.Builder> packageConfigs, String actionNamespace, String actionPackage, Class<?> actionClass, Action action)
    • buildIndexActions

      protected void buildIndexActions(Map<String,PackageConfig.Builder> packageConfigs)
      Determine all the index handling actions and results based on this logic:

      1. Loop over all the namespaces such as /foo and see if it has an action named index 2. If an action doesn't exists in the parent namespace of the same name, create an action in the parent namespace of the same name as the namespace that points to the index action in the namespace. e.g. /foo -> /foo/index 3. Create the action in the namespace for empty string if it doesn't exist. e.g. /foo/ the action is "" and the namespace is /foo

      packageConfigs - Used to store the actions.
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface ActionConfigBuilder
    • needsReload

      public boolean needsReload()
      Specified by:
      needsReload in interface ActionConfigBuilder