Class GlobalLocalizedTextProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, LocalizedTextProvider

public class GlobalLocalizedTextProvider extends Object
Provides support for localization in the framework, it can be used to read only default bundles.

Note that unlike StrutsLocalizedTextProvider, this class GlobalLocalizedTextProvider will only search the default bundles for localized text.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String XWORK_MESSAGES_BUNDLE
      See Also:

      public static final String STRUTS_MESSAGES_BUNDLE
      See Also:
    • bundlesMap

      protected final ConcurrentMap<String,ResourceBundle> bundlesMap
    • devMode

      protected boolean devMode
    • reloadBundles

      protected boolean reloadBundles
    • searchDefaultBundlesFirst

      protected boolean searchDefaultBundlesFirst
  • Constructor Details

    • GlobalLocalizedTextProvider

      public GlobalLocalizedTextProvider()
  • Method Details

    • findText

      public String findText(Class<?> startClazz, String textKey, Locale locale)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      startClazz - class name
      textKey - text name
      locale - the locale
      the localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided
      See Also:
    • findText

      public String findText(Class<?> startClazz, String textKey, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Finds a localized text message for the given key, textKey. Both the key and the message itself is evaluated as required. The following algorithm is used to find the requested message:
      1. Look for the message in the default resource bundles.
      2. If not found, return defaultMessage

      When looking for the message, if the key indexes a collection (e.g.[0]) and a message for that specific key cannot be found, the general form will also be looked up (i.e.[*]).

      If a message is found, it will also be interpolated. Anything within ${...} will be treated as an OGNL expression and evaluated as such.

      startClazz - the class whose name to use as the start point for the search
      textKey - the key to find the text message for
      locale - the locale the message should be for
      defaultMessage - the message to be returned if no text message can be found in any resource bundle
      args - arguments resource bundle
      the localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided
    • findText

      public String findText(Class<?> startClazz, String textKey, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args, ValueStack valueStack)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Finds a localized text message for the given key, textKey. Both the key and the message itself is evaluated as required. The following algorithm is used to find the requested message:
      1. Look for the message in the default resource bundles.
      2. If not found, return defaultMessage

      When looking for the message, if the key indexes a collection (e.g.[0]) and a message for that specific key cannot be found, the general form will also be looked up (i.e.[*]).

      If a message is found, it will also be interpolated. Anything within ${...} will be treated as an OGNL expression and evaluated as such.

      If a message is not found a DEBUG level log warning will be logged.

      startClazz - the class whose name to use as the start point for the search
      textKey - the key to find the text message for
      locale - the locale the message should be for
      defaultMessage - the message to be returned if no text message can be found in any resource bundle
      args - arguments
      valueStack - the value stack to use to evaluate expressions instead of the one in the ActionContext ThreadLocal
      the localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided
    • findText

      public String findText(ResourceBundle bundle, String textKey, Locale locale)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Finds a localized text message for the given key, aTextName, in the specified resource bundle with aTextName as the default message.

      If a message is found, it will also be interpolated. Anything within ${...} will be treated as an OGNL expression and evaluated as such.

      bundle - a resource bundle name
      textKey - text name
      locale - the locale
      the localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided
      See Also:
    • findText

      public String findText(ResourceBundle bundle, String textKey, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Finds a localized text message for the given key, aTextName, in the specified resource bundle.

      If a message is found, it will also be interpolated. Anything within ${...} will be treated as an OGNL expression and evaluated as such.

      If a message is not found a WARN log will be logged.

      bundle - the bundle
      textKey - the key
      locale - the locale
      defaultMessage - the default message to use if no message was found in the bundle
      args - arguments for the message formatter.
      the localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided
    • addDefaultResourceBundle

      public void addDefaultResourceBundle(String bundleName)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Adds the bundle to the internal list of default bundles. If the bundle already exists in the list it will be re-added.
      Specified by:
      addDefaultResourceBundle in interface LocalizedTextProvider
      bundleName - the name of the bundle to add.
    • getCurrentBundleNames

      protected List<String> getCurrentBundleNames()
    • getCurrentThreadContextClassLoader

      protected ClassLoader getCurrentThreadContextClassLoader()
    • setCustomI18NResources

      public void setCustomI18NResources(String bundles)
    • findDefaultText

      public String findDefaultText(String textKey, Locale locale)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Returns a localized message for the specified key, aTextName. Neither the key nor the message is evaluated.
      Specified by:
      findDefaultText in interface LocalizedTextProvider
      textKey - the message key
      locale - the locale the message should be for
      a localized message based on the specified key, or null if no localized message can be found for it
    • findDefaultText

      public String findDefaultText(String textKey, Locale locale, Object[] params)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Returns a localized message for the specified key, aTextName, substituting variables from the array of params into the message. Neither the key nor the message is evaluated.
      Specified by:
      findDefaultText in interface LocalizedTextProvider
      textKey - the message key
      locale - the locale the message should be for
      params - an array of objects to be substituted into the message text
      A formatted message based on the specified key, or null if no localized message can be found for it
    • findText

      public String findText(ResourceBundle bundle, String textKey, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args, ValueStack valueStack)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Finds a localized text message for the given key, aTextName, in the specified resource bundle.

      If a message is found, it will also be interpolated. Anything within ${...} will be treated as an OGNL expression and evaluated as such.

      If a message is not found a WARN log will be logged.

      Specified by:
      findText in interface LocalizedTextProvider
      bundle - the bundle
      textKey - the key
      locale - the locale
      defaultMessage - the default message to use if no message was found in the bundle
      args - arguments for the message formatter.
      valueStack - the OGNL value stack.
      the localized text, or null if none can be found and no defaultMessage is provided
    • setDelegatedClassLoader

      public void setDelegatedClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      classLoader - a ClassLoader to look up the bundle from if none can be found on the current thread's classloader
    • clearBundle

      protected void clearBundle(String bundleName, Locale locale)
      Clear a specific bundle + locale combination from the bundlesMap. Intended for descendants to use clear a bundle + locale combination.
      bundleName - The bundle (combined with locale) to remove from the bundle map
      locale - Provides the locale to combine with the bundle to get the key
    • clearMissingBundlesCache

      protected void clearMissingBundlesCache()
      Clears the missingBundles contents. This allows descendants to clear the "missing bundles cache" when desired (or needed).

      Note: This method may be used when the bundlesMap state has changed in such a way that bundles that were previously "missing" may now be available (e.g. after calling LocalizedTextProvider.addDefaultResourceBundle(java.lang.String) when the AbstractLocalizedTextProvider has already been used for failed bundle lookups of a given key, or some transitory state made a bundle lookup fail.

    • reloadBundles

      protected void reloadBundles()
    • reloadBundles

      protected void reloadBundles(Map<String,Object> context)
    • buildMessageFormat

      protected MessageFormat buildMessageFormat(String pattern, Locale locale)
    • formatWithNullDetection

      protected String formatWithNullDetection(MessageFormat mf, Object[] args)
    • setReloadBundles

      public void setReloadBundles(String reloadBundles)
    • setDevMode

      public void setDevMode(String devMode)
    • setSearchDefaultBundlesFirst

      public void setSearchDefaultBundlesFirst(String searchDefaultBundlesFirst)
      Set the searchDefaultBundlesFirst flag state. This flag may be used by descendant TextProvider implementations to determine if default bundles should be searched for messages first (before the standard flow of the LocalizedTextProvider implementation the descendant provides).
      searchDefaultBundlesFirst - provide String "true" or "false" to set the flag state accordingly.
    • findResourceBundle

      public ResourceBundle findResourceBundle(String bundleName, Locale locale)
      Description copied from interface: LocalizedTextProvider
      Finds the given resource bundle by it's name.

      Will use Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() as the classloader.

      Specified by:
      findResourceBundle in interface LocalizedTextProvider
      bundleName - the name of the bundle (usually it's FQN classname).
      locale - the locale.
      the bundle, null if not found.
    • unableToFindTextForKey

      protected boolean unableToFindTextForKey(org.apache.struts2.text.AbstractLocalizedTextProvider.GetDefaultMessageReturnArg result)
      Determines if we found the text in the bundles.
      result - the result so far
      true if we could not find the text, false if the text was found (=success).
    • getDefaultMessage

      protected org.apache.struts2.text.AbstractLocalizedTextProvider.GetDefaultMessageReturnArg getDefaultMessage(String key, Locale locale, ValueStack valueStack, Object[] args, String defaultMessage)
      the default message.
    • getDefaultMessageWithAlternateKey

      protected org.apache.struts2.text.AbstractLocalizedTextProvider.GetDefaultMessageReturnArg getDefaultMessageWithAlternateKey(String key, String alternateKey, Locale locale, ValueStack valueStack, Object[] args, String defaultMessage)
      A helper method that can be used by descendant classes to perform some common two-stage message lookup operations against the default resource bundles. The default resource bundles are searched for a value using key first, then alternateKey when the first search fails, then utilizing defaultMessage (which may be null) if both key lookup operations fail.

      A known use case is when a key indexes a collection (e.g.[0]) for which some specific keys may exist, but not all, along with a general key (e.g.[*]). In such cases the specific key would be passed in the key parameter and the general key would be passed in the alternateKey parameter.

      key - the initial key to search for a value within the default resource bundles.
      alternateKey - the alternate (fall-back) key to search for a value within the default resource bundles, if the initial key lookup fails.
      locale - the Locale to be used for the default resource bundle lookup.
      valueStack - the ValueStack associated with the operation.
      args - the argument array for parameterized messages (may be null).
      defaultMessage - the default message String to use if both key lookup operations fail.
      the AbstractLocalizedTextProvider.GetDefaultMessageReturnArg result containing the processed message lookup (by key first, then alternateKey if key's lookup fails). If both key lookup operations fail, defaultMessage is used for processing. If defaultMessage is null then the return result may be null.
    • getMessage

      protected String getMessage(String bundleName, Locale locale, String key, ValueStack valueStack, Object[] args)
      the message from the named resource bundle.
    • findMessage

      protected String findMessage(Class<?> clazz, String key, String indexedKey, Locale locale, Object[] args, Set<String> checked, ValueStack valueStack)
      Traverse up class hierarchy looking for message. Looks at class, then implemented interface, before going up hierarchy.
      the message
    • extractIndexedName

      protected String extractIndexedName(String textKey)
    • logMissingText

      protected void logMissingText(Class<?> startClazz, String textKey, Locale locale, org.apache.struts2.text.AbstractLocalizedTextProvider.GetDefaultMessageReturnArg result, String indexedTextName)