Project Dependencies
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
commons-digester | commons-digester | 2.1 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | 3.10 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.felix | org.apache.felix.main | 6.0.3 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.felix | | 1.4.3 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.felix | | 1.4.1 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.struts | struts2-core | 2.6-20200419.094131-295 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.struts | struts2-velocity-plugin | 2.6-20200419.094225-34 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.osgi | org.osgi.core | 4.3.1 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
junit | junit | 4.13 | jar | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
org.easymock | easymock | 4.2 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
javax.servlet | servlet-api | 2.5 | jar | - |
Project Transitive Dependencies
The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
org.hamcrest | hamcrest-core | 1.3 | jar | New BSD License |
org.objenesis | objenesis | 3.1 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
Project Dependency Graph
Dependency Tree
- org.apache.struts:struts2-osgi-plugin:jar:2.6-SNAPSHOT
- org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:4.3.1 (compile)
- org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.main:jar:6.0.3 (compile)
- org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:jar:6.0.3 (compile)
- org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:jar:1.9 (compile)
- org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:jar:1.9 (compile)
- org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:jar:6.0.3 (compile)
- (compile)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium:jar:4.0.0 (compile)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium:jar:4.0.0 (compile)
- (compile)
- org.apache.struts:struts2-velocity-plugin:jar:2.6-SNAPSHOT (compile)
- org.apache.velocity:velocity-engine-core:jar:2.2 (compile)
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.30 (compile)
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.30 (compile)
- (compile)
- (compile)
- com.github.cliftonlabs:json-simple:jar:3.0.2 (compile)
- com.github.cliftonlabs:json-simple:jar:3.0.2 (compile)
- org.apache.commons:commons-digester3:jar:3.2 (compile)
- cglib:cglib:jar:2.2.2 (compile)
- asm:asm:jar:3.3.1 (compile)
- asm:asm:jar:3.3.1 (compile)
- cglib:cglib:jar:2.2.2 (compile)
- (compile)
- (compile)
- org.apache.velocity:velocity-engine-core:jar:2.2 (compile)
- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.10 (compile)
- commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:2.1 (compile)
- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.9.4 (compile)
- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 (compile)
- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 (compile)
- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.2 (compile)
- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.9.4 (compile)
- org.easymock:easymock:jar:4.2 (test)
- org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:3.1 (test)
- org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:3.1 (test)
- org.apache.struts:struts2-core:jar:2.6-SNAPSHOT (compile)
- org.freemarker:freemarker:jar:2.3.30 (compile)
- ognl:ognl:jar:3.2.14 (compile)
- org.javassist:javassist:jar:3.24.1-GA (compile)
- org.javassist:javassist:jar:3.24.1-GA (compile)
- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.13.1 (compile)
- commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:jar:1.4 (compile)
- commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.6 (compile)
- org.apache.commons:commons-text:jar:1.8 (compile)
- org.freemarker:freemarker:jar:2.3.30 (compile)
- junit:junit:jar:4.13 (test)
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 (test)
- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 (test)
- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5 (provided)
- org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:4.3.1 (compile)
Unknown: org.osgi.compendium, servlet-api
Apache License 2.0: Javassist
Eclipse Public License 1.0: JUnit
MIT License: SLF4J API Module
Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons BeanUtils, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons FileUpload, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Commons Text, Apache Felix Framework, Apache Felix Main, Apache FreeMarker, Apache Log4j API, Apache Velocity - Engine, Apache Velocity Tools - Generic tools, Apache Velocity Tools - JSP support, Apache Velocity Tools - View tools, EasyMock, Objenesis, osgi.core
ASF 2.0: Code Generation Library
LGPL 2.1: Javassist
MIT license: Animal Sniffer Annotations
MPL 1.1: Javassist
New BSD License: Hamcrest Core
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Digester, Apache Commons Logging, Apache Felix Shell Service, Apache Felix Shell TUI, Commons Digester, JSON.simple, OGNL - Object Graph Navigation Library, Struts 2 Core, Struts 2 OSGi Plugin, Struts 2 Velocity Plugin
Dependency File Details
Filename | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | Java Version | Debug Information |
asm-3.3.1.jar | 43.6 kB | 24 | 23 | 2 | 1.2 | No |
cglib-2.2.2.jar | 287.2 kB | 242 | 228 | 7 | 1.2 | Yes |
json-simple-3.0.2.jar | 35.1 kB | 28 | 17 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
commons-beanutils-1.9.4.jar | 246.9 kB | 154 | 137 | 5 | 1.6 | Yes |
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar | 588.3 kB | 484 | 460 | 12 | 1.3 | Yes |
commons-digester-2.1.jar | 196.8 kB | 182 | 155 | 14 | 1.5 | Yes |
commons-fileupload-1.4.jar | 72.4 kB | 67 | 49 | 6 | 1.6 | Yes |
commons-io-2.6.jar | 214.8 kB | 146 | 127 | 7 | 1.7 | Yes |
commons-logging-1.2.jar | 61.8 kB | 42 | 28 | 2 | 1.2 | Yes |
servlet-api-2.5.jar | 105.1 kB | 68 | 42 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes |
junit-4.13.jar | 381.8 kB | 387 | 348 | 32 | 1.5 | Yes |
ognl-3.2.14.jar | 264 kB | 150 | 138 | 4 | 1.7 | Yes |
commons-digester3-3.2.jar | 241.6 kB | 213 | 189 | 11 | 1.5 | Yes |
commons-lang3-3.10.jar | 523.4 kB | 314 | 288 | 14 | 1.8 | Yes |
commons-text-1.8.jar | 207 kB | 152 | 134 | 6 | 1.8 | Yes |
org.apache.felix.framework-6.0.3.jar | 726.5 kB | 414 | 361 | 31 | 1.6 | Yes |
org.apache.felix.main-6.0.3.jar | 738.8 kB | 421 | 364 | 32 | 1.6 | Yes | | 61.7 kB | 59 | 36 | 4 | 1.3 | Yes | | 12.7 kB | 17 | 3 | 1 | 1.3 | Yes |
log4j-api-2.13.1.jar | 292.2 kB | 214 | 180 | 9 | - | Yes |
struts2-core-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar | 1.5 MB | 1146 | 919 | 62 | 1.8 | Yes |
struts2-velocity-plugin-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar | 56.9 kB | 66 | 47 | 4 | 1.8 | Yes |
velocity-engine-core-2.2.jar | 525.2 kB | 299 | 256 | 19 | 1.8 | Yes |
velocity-tools-generic-3.0.jar | 213.7 kB | 116 | 98 | 3 | 1.7 | Yes |
velocity-tools-view-3.0.jar | 118.8 kB | 70 | 52 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
velocity-tools-view-jsp-3.0.jar | 28.7 kB | 29 | 11 | 2 | 1.7 | Yes |
animal-sniffer-annotations-1.9.jar | 3.4 kB | 12 | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | No |
easymock-4.2.jar | 577.4 kB | 422 | 390 | 14 | 1.8 | Yes |
freemarker-2.3.30.jar | 1.7 MB | 1227 | 1202 | 17 | 1.8 | Yes |
hamcrest-core-1.3.jar | 45 kB | 52 | 45 | 3 | 1.5 | Yes |
javassist-3.24.1-GA.jar | 777.7 kB | 447 | 423 | 17 | 1.7 | Yes |
objenesis-3.1.jar | 60.4 kB | 64 | 48 | 10 | 1.8 | Yes |
org.osgi.compendium-4.0.0.jar | 673.6 kB | 247 | 83 | 17 | 1.1 | Yes |
org.osgi.core-4.3.1.jar | 350 kB | 254 | 106 | 13 | 1.5 | Yes |
slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar | 41.5 kB | 46 | 34 | 4 | 1.5 | Yes |
Total | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | Java Version | Debug Information |
35 | 12 MB | 8275 | 7022 | 389 | 1.8 | 33 |
compile: 30 | compile: 10.8 MB | compile: 7282 | compile: 6149 | compile: 328 | - | compile: 28 |
test: 4 | test: 1.1 MB | test: 925 | test: 831 | test: 59 | - | test: 4 |
provided: 1 | provided: 105.1 kB | provided: 68 | provided: 42 | provided: 2 | - | provided: 1 |