This report summarizes newer versions that may be available for your project's various dependencies.
# of dependencies using the latest version available | 49 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is smaller than an incremental version update | 0 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is an incremental version update | 26 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is a minor version update | 16 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is a major version update | 1 |
Dependency Management
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Latest Subincremental | Latest Incremental | Latest Minor | Latest Major |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core | jackson-core | 2.18.2 | jar | |||||||
com.fasterxml.jackson.core | jackson-databind | 2.18.2 | jar | |||||||
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat | jackson-dataformat-xml | 2.18.2 | jar | |||||||
com.github.ben-manes.caffeine | caffeine | 3.1.8 | jar | |||||||
com.google.errorprone | error_prone_annotations | 2.23.0 | jar | 2.36.0 | ||||||
com.thoughtworks.xstream | xstream | 1.4.21 | jar | |||||||
commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | 1.9.4 | jar | |||||||
commons-el | commons-el | 1.0 | jar | |||||||
commons-io | commons-io | 2.15.1 | jar | 2.18.0 | ||||||
commons-logging | commons-logging | 1.3.4 | jar | |||||||
commons-validator | commons-validator | 1.9.0 | jar | |||||||
io.github.x-stream | mxparser | 1.2.1 | jar | 1.2.2 | ||||||
jakarta.el | jakarta.el-api | 5.0.0 | jar | 5.0.1 | 6.0.1 | |||||
jakarta.enterprise | jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api | 4.0.0 | jar | 4.0.1 | 4.1.0 | |||||
jakarta.persistence | jakarta.persistence-api | 3.1.0 | jar | 3.2.0 | ||||||
jakarta.servlet | jakarta.servlet-api | 6.0.0 | provided | jar | 6.1.0 | |||||
jakarta.servlet.jsp | jakarta.servlet.jsp-api | 3.1.0 | provided | jar | 3.1.1 | 4.0.0 | ||||
jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api | 3.0.0 | test | jar | 3.0.2 | |||||
jmock | jmock | 1.2.0 | test | jar | 20031129.200437 | |||||
jmock | jmock-cglib | 1.2.0 | test | jar | ||||||
junit | junit | 4.13.2 | jar | |||||||
mockobjects | mockobjects-core | 0.09 | test | jar | ||||||
net.bytebuddy | byte-buddy | 1.14.11 | test | jar | 1.14.19 | 1.15.11 | ||||
net.bytebuddy | byte-buddy-agent | 1.14.11 | test | jar | 1.14.19 | 1.15.11 | ||||
ognl | ognl | 3.3.5 | jar | 3.4.3 | ||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-collections4 | 4.4 | jar | 4.5.0-M3 | ||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-compress | 1.27.1 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-digester3 | 3.2 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-fileupload2-jakarta-servlet6 | 2.0.0-M2 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-jci-fam | 1.1 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | 3.17.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-text | 1.12.0 | jar | 1.13.0 | ||||||
org.apache.felix | org.apache.felix.framework | 6.0.3 | provided | jar | 6.0.5 | 7.0.5 | ||||
org.apache.felix | org.apache.felix.main | 7.0.5 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.felix | org.apache.felix.shell | 1.4.3 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.felix | org.apache.felix.shell.tui | 1.4.1 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.juneau | juneau-marshall | 8.1.3 | jar | 8.1.4 | 8.2.0 | 9.0.1 | ||||
org.apache.logging.log4j | log4j-api | 2.24.2 | jar | 2.24.3 | 3.0.0-beta2 | |||||
org.apache.logging.log4j | log4j-core | 2.24.2 | jar | 2.24.3 | 3.0.0-beta3 | |||||
org.apache.logging.log4j | log4j-jcl | 2.24.2 | jar | 2.24.3 | 3.0.0-beta1 | |||||
org.apache.logging.log4j | log4j-slf4j-impl | 2.24.2 | jar | 2.24.3 | 3.0.0-beta2 | |||||
org.apache.maven.plugin-tools | maven-plugin-annotations | 3.10.2 | jar | 3.15.1 | 4.0.0-beta-1 | |||||
org.apache.struts | struts-annotations | 1.0.8 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-async-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-bean-validation-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-cdi-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-config-browser-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-convention-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-core | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-jasperreports-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-javatemplates-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-jfreechart-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-json-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-junit-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-rest-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-spring-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-testng-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-tiles-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-velocity-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-velocity-tools-jsp-jakarta | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-velocity-tools-view-jakarta | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.struts | struts2-xslt-plugin | 7.0.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.tomcat | tomcat-api | 10.1.15 | provided | jar | 10.1.34 | 11.0.2 | ||||
org.apache.tomcat | tomcat-jasper | 10.1.15 | provided | jar | 10.1.34 | 11.0.2 | ||||
org.apache.tomcat | tomcat-juli | 10.1.15 | jar | 10.1.34 | 11.0.2 | |||||
org.apache.velocity | velocity-engine-core | 2.3 | jar | 2.4.1 | ||||||
org.apache.velocity.tools | velocity-tools-generic | 3.1 | jar | |||||||
org.assertj | assertj-core | 3.26.3 | test | jar | 3.27.0 | |||||
org.awaitility | awaitility | 4.2.2 | test | jar | ||||||
org.easymock | easymock | 5.4.0 | test | jar | 5.5.0 | |||||
org.freemarker | freemarker | 2.3.33 | jar | |||||||
org.glassfish | jakarta.el | 5.0.0-M1 | jar | |||||||
org.glassfish.web | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl | 3.0.1 | test | jar | ||||||
org.htmlunit | htmlunit | 4.2.0 | test | jar | 4.7.0 | |||||
org.jboss.weld | weld-core-impl | 5.1.2.Final | jar | 5.1.4.Final | 6.0.0.Final | |||||
org.jboss.weld.se | weld-se-core | 5.1.2.Final | jar | 5.1.4.Final | 6.0.0.Final | |||||
org.mockito | mockito-core | 5.8.0 | test | jar | 5.14.2 | |||||
org.ow2.asm | asm | 9.7.1 | jar | |||||||
org.ow2.asm | asm-commons | 9.7.1 | jar | |||||||
org.slf4j | slf4j-api | 2.0.16 | jar | 2.1.0-alpha1 | ||||||
org.slf4j | slf4j-simple | 2.0.16 | jar | 2.1.0-alpha1 | ||||||
org.springframework | spring-aop | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-aspects | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-beans | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-context | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-context-support | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-core | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-test | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.springframework | spring-web | 6.0.13 | jar | 6.0.23 | 6.2.1 | |||||
org.testng | testng | 7.5.1 | jar | 7.10.2 | ||||||
taglibs | request | 1.0.1 | test | jar | ||||||
xerces | xercesImpl | 2.12.2 | test | jar | ||||||
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Latest Subincremental | Latest Incremental | Latest Minor | Latest Major |
This project does not declare any dependencies.
Dependency Updates
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.fasterxml.jackson.core |
Artifact Id | jackson-core |
Current Version | 2.18.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.fasterxml.jackson.core |
Artifact Id | jackson-databind |
Current Version | 2.18.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat |
Artifact Id | jackson-dataformat-xml |
Current Version | 2.18.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.github.ben-manes.caffeine |
Artifact Id | caffeine |
Current Version | 3.1.8 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | com.google.errorprone |
Artifact Id | error_prone_annotations |
Current Version | 2.23.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.24.0 2.24.1 2.25.0 2.26.0 2.26.1 2.27.0 2.27.1 2.28.0 2.29.0 2.29.1 2.29.2 2.30.0 2.31.0 2.32.0 2.33.0 2.34.0 2.35.0 2.35.1 2.36.0 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.thoughtworks.xstream |
Artifact Id | xstream |
Current Version | 1.4.21 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-beanutils |
Artifact Id | commons-beanutils |
Current Version | 1.9.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-el |
Artifact Id | commons-el |
Current Version | 1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | commons-io |
Artifact Id | commons-io |
Current Version | 2.15.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.16.0 2.16.1 2.17.0 2.18.0 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-logging |
Artifact Id | commons-logging |
Current Version | 1.3.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-validator |
Artifact Id | commons-validator |
Current Version | 1.9.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | io.github.x-stream |
Artifact Id | mxparser |
Current Version | 1.2.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.2.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | jakarta.el |
Artifact Id | jakarta.el-api |
Current Version | 5.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.0.1 Latest Incremental 6.0.0-M1 6.0.0-M2 6.0.0-RC1 6.0.0 6.0.1 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | jakarta.enterprise |
Artifact Id | jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api |
Current Version | 4.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 4.0.1 Latest Incremental 4.1.0.Alpha1 4.1.0.Beta1 4.1.0.Beta2 4.1.0-M1 4.1.0.RC1 4.1.0 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | jakarta.persistence |
Artifact Id | jakarta.persistence-api |
Current Version | 3.1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.2.0-B01 3.2.0-B02 3.2.0-M1 3.2.0-M2 3.2.0 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | jakarta.servlet |
Artifact Id | jakarta.servlet-api |
Current Version | 6.0.0 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.1.0-M1 6.1.0-M2 6.1.0 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | jakarta.servlet.jsp |
Artifact Id | jakarta.servlet.jsp-api |
Current Version | 3.1.0 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.1.1 Latest Incremental 4.0.0-M1 4.0.0-M2 4.0.0 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl |
Artifact Id | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api |
Current Version | 3.0.0 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.0.1 3.0.2 Latest Incremental |
Status | There is at least one newer major version available. Major updates are rarely passive. |
Group Id | jmock |
Artifact Id | jmock |
Current Version | 1.2.0 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2004-03-19 20031129.200437 Latest Major |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | jmock |
Artifact Id | jmock-cglib |
Current Version | 1.2.0 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | junit |
Artifact Id | junit |
Current Version | 4.13.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | mockobjects |
Artifact Id | mockobjects-core |
Current Version | 0.09 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | net.bytebuddy |
Artifact Id | byte-buddy |
Current Version | 1.14.11 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.14.12 1.14.13 1.14.14 1.14.15 1.14.16 1.14.17 1.14.18 1.14.19 Latest Incremental 1.15.0 1.15.1 1.15.2 1.15.3 1.15.4 1.15.5 1.15.7 1.15.8 1.15.9 1.15.10 1.15.11 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | net.bytebuddy |
Artifact Id | byte-buddy-agent |
Current Version | 1.14.11 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.14.12 1.14.13 1.14.14 1.14.15 1.14.16 1.14.17 1.14.18 1.14.19 Latest Incremental 1.15.0 1.15.1 1.15.2 1.15.3 1.15.4 1.15.5 1.15.7 1.15.8 1.15.9 1.15.10 1.15.11 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | ognl |
Artifact Id | ognl |
Current Version | 3.3.5 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.4.0 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-collections4 |
Current Version | 4.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 4.5.0-M1 4.5.0-M2 4.5.0-M3 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-compress |
Current Version | 1.27.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-digester3 |
Current Version | 3.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-fileupload2-jakarta-servlet6 |
Current Version | 2.0.0-M2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-jci-fam |
Current Version | 1.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-lang3 |
Current Version | 3.17.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-text |
Current Version | 1.12.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 1.13.0 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.felix |
Artifact Id | org.apache.felix.framework |
Current Version | 6.0.3 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.4 6.0.5 Latest Incremental 7.0.0 7.0.1 7.0.3 7.0.4 7.0.5 Latest Major |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.felix |
Artifact Id | org.apache.felix.main |
Current Version | 7.0.5 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.felix |
Artifact Id | org.apache.felix.shell |
Current Version | 1.4.3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.felix |
Artifact Id | org.apache.felix.shell.tui |
Current Version | 1.4.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.juneau |
Artifact Id | juneau-marshall |
Current Version | 8.1.3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 8.1.4 Latest Incremental 8.2.0 Latest Minor 9.0-B1 9.0.0 9.0.1 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.logging.log4j |
Artifact Id | log4j-api |
Current Version | 2.24.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.24.3 Latest Incremental 3.0.0-alpha1 3.0.0-beta1 3.0.0-beta2 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.logging.log4j |
Artifact Id | log4j-core |
Current Version | 2.24.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.24.3 Latest Incremental 3.0.0-alpha1 3.0.0-beta1 3.0.0-beta2 3.0.0-beta3 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.logging.log4j |
Artifact Id | log4j-jcl |
Current Version | 2.24.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.24.3 Latest Incremental 3.0.0-alpha1 3.0.0-beta1 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.logging.log4j |
Artifact Id | log4j-slf4j-impl |
Current Version | 2.24.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.24.3 Latest Incremental 3.0.0-alpha1 3.0.0-beta1 3.0.0-beta2 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.maven.plugin-tools |
Artifact Id | maven-plugin-annotations |
Current Version | 3.10.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.11.0 3.12.0 3.13.0 3.13.1 3.14.0 3.15.0 3.15.1 Latest Minor 4.0.0-beta-1 Latest Major |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts-annotations |
Current Version | 1.0.8 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-async-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-bean-validation-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-cdi-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-config-browser-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-convention-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-core |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-jasperreports-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-javatemplates-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-jfreechart-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-json-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-junit-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-rest-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-spring-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-testng-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-tiles-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-velocity-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-velocity-tools-jsp-jakarta |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-velocity-tools-view-jakarta |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.struts |
Artifact Id | struts2-xslt-plugin |
Current Version | 7.0.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.tomcat |
Artifact Id | tomcat-api |
Current Version | 10.1.15 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 10.1.16 10.1.17 10.1.18 10.1.19 10.1.20 10.1.23 10.1.24 10.1.25 10.1.26 10.1.28 10.1.29 10.1.30 10.1.31 10.1.33 10.1.34 Latest Incremental 11.0.0-M1 11.0.0-M3 11.0.0-M4 11.0.0-M5 11.0.0-M6 11.0.0-M7 11.0.0-M9 11.0.0-M10 11.0.0-M11 11.0.0-M12 11.0.0-M13 11.0.0-M14 11.0.0-M15 11.0.0-M16 11.0.0-M17 11.0.0-M18 11.0.0-M19 11.0.0-M20 11.0.0-M21 11.0.0-M22 11.0.0-M24 11.0.0-M25 11.0.0-M26 11.0.0 11.0.1 11.0.2 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.tomcat |
Artifact Id | tomcat-jasper |
Current Version | 10.1.15 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 10.1.16 10.1.17 10.1.18 10.1.19 10.1.20 10.1.23 10.1.24 10.1.25 10.1.26 10.1.28 10.1.29 10.1.30 10.1.31 10.1.33 10.1.34 Latest Incremental 11.0.0-M1 11.0.0-M3 11.0.0-M4 11.0.0-M5 11.0.0-M6 11.0.0-M7 11.0.0-M9 11.0.0-M10 11.0.0-M11 11.0.0-M12 11.0.0-M13 11.0.0-M14 11.0.0-M15 11.0.0-M16 11.0.0-M17 11.0.0-M18 11.0.0-M19 11.0.0-M20 11.0.0-M21 11.0.0-M22 11.0.0-M24 11.0.0-M25 11.0.0-M26 11.0.0 11.0.1 11.0.2 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.tomcat |
Artifact Id | tomcat-juli |
Current Version | 10.1.15 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 10.1.16 10.1.17 10.1.18 10.1.19 10.1.20 10.1.23 10.1.24 10.1.25 10.1.26 10.1.28 10.1.29 10.1.30 10.1.31 10.1.33 10.1.34 Latest Incremental 11.0.0-M1 11.0.0-M3 11.0.0-M4 11.0.0-M5 11.0.0-M6 11.0.0-M7 11.0.0-M9 11.0.0-M10 11.0.0-M11 11.0.0-M12 11.0.0-M13 11.0.0-M14 11.0.0-M15 11.0.0-M16 11.0.0-M17 11.0.0-M18 11.0.0-M19 11.0.0-M20 11.0.0-M21 11.0.0-M22 11.0.0-M24 11.0.0-M25 11.0.0-M26 11.0.0 11.0.1 11.0.2 Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.apache.velocity |
Artifact Id | velocity-engine-core |
Current Version | 2.3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.4 2.4.1 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.velocity.tools |
Artifact Id | velocity-tools-generic |
Current Version | 3.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.assertj |
Artifact Id | assertj-core |
Current Version | 3.26.3 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 3.27.0 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.awaitility |
Artifact Id | awaitility |
Current Version | 4.2.2 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.easymock |
Artifact Id | easymock |
Current Version | 5.4.0 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.5.0 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.freemarker |
Artifact Id | freemarker |
Current Version | 2.3.33 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.glassfish |
Artifact Id | jakarta.el |
Current Version | 5.0.0-M1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.glassfish.web |
Artifact Id | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl |
Current Version | 3.0.1 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.htmlunit |
Artifact Id | htmlunit |
Current Version | 4.2.0 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 4.3.0 4.4.0 4.5.0 4.6.0 4.7.0 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.jboss.weld |
Artifact Id | weld-core-impl |
Current Version | 5.1.2.Final |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.1.3.Final 5.1.4.Final Latest Incremental 6.0.0.Alpha1 6.0.0.Beta1 6.0.0.Beta2 6.0.0.Beta3 6.0.0.Beta4 6.0.0.CR1 6.0.0.CR2 6.0.0.Final Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.jboss.weld.se |
Artifact Id | weld-se-core |
Current Version | 5.1.2.Final |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.1.3.Final 5.1.4.Final Latest Incremental 6.0.0.Alpha1 6.0.0.Beta1 6.0.0.Beta2 6.0.0.Beta3 6.0.0.Beta4 6.0.0.CR1 6.0.0.CR2 6.0.0.Final Latest Major |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.mockito |
Artifact Id | mockito-core |
Current Version | 5.8.0 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 5.9.0 5.10.0 5.11.0 5.12.0 5.13.0 5.14.0 5.14.1 5.14.2 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.ow2.asm |
Artifact Id | asm |
Current Version | 9.7.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.ow2.asm |
Artifact Id | asm-commons |
Current Version | 9.7.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.slf4j |
Artifact Id | slf4j-api |
Current Version | 2.0.16 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.1.0-alpha0 2.1.0-alpha1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.slf4j |
Artifact Id | slf4j-simple |
Current Version | 2.0.16 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 2.1.0-alpha0 2.1.0-alpha1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-aop |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-aspects |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-beans |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-context |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-context-support |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-core |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-test |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer incremental version available. Incremental updates are typically passive. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-web |
Current Version | 6.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 6.0.14 6.0.15 6.0.16 6.0.17 6.0.18 6.0.19 6.0.20 6.0.21 6.0.22 6.0.23 Latest Incremental 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.2.0 6.2.1 Latest Minor |
Status | There is at least one newer minor version available. Minor updates are sometimes passive. |
Group Id | org.testng |
Artifact Id | testng |
Current Version | 7.5.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Newer versions | 7.6.0 7.6.1 7.7.0 7.7.1 7.8.0 7.9.0 7.10.0 7.10.1 7.10.2 Latest Minor |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | taglibs |
Artifact Id | request |
Current Version | 1.0.1 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | xerces |
Artifact Id | xercesImpl |
Current Version | 2.12.2 |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |