Class DelegatingValidatorContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
ValidationAware, LocaleProvider, TextProvider, ValidatorContext
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DelegatingValidatorContext extends Object implements ValidatorContext
A default implementation of the ValidatorContext interface.
Jason Carreira, Rainer Hermanns
  • Constructor Details

    • DelegatingValidatorContext

      public DelegatingValidatorContext(ValidationAware validationAware, TextProvider textProvider, LocaleProvider localeProvider)
      Creates a new validation context given a ValidationAware object, and a text and locale provider. These objects are used internally to set errors and get and set error text.
      validationAware - a validation aware object
      textProvider - a text provider
      localeProvider - a local provider
    • DelegatingValidatorContext

      public DelegatingValidatorContext(Object object, TextProviderFactory textProviderFactory)
      Creates a new validation context given an object - usually an Action. The internal objects (validation aware instance and a locale and text provider) are created based on the given action.
      object - the object to use for validation (usually an Action).
  • Method Details

    • setActionErrors

      public void setActionErrors(Collection<String> errorMessages)
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Set the Collection of Action-level String error messages.
      Specified by:
      setActionErrors in interface ValidationAware
      errorMessages - Collection of String error messages
    • getActionErrors

      public Collection<String> getActionErrors()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Get the Collection of Action-level error messages for this action. Error messages should not be added directly here, as implementations are free to return a new Collection or an Unmodifiable Collection.
      Specified by:
      getActionErrors in interface ValidationAware
      Collection of String error messages
    • setActionMessages

      public void setActionMessages(Collection<String> messages)
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Set the Collection of Action-level String messages (not errors).
      Specified by:
      setActionMessages in interface ValidationAware
      messages - Collection of String messages (not errors).
    • getActionMessages

      public Collection<String> getActionMessages()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Get the Collection of Action-level messages for this action. Messages should not be added directly here, as implementations are free to return a new Collection or an Unmodifiable Collection.
      Specified by:
      getActionMessages in interface ValidationAware
      Collection of String messages
    • setFieldErrors

      public void setFieldErrors(Map<String,List<String>> errorMap)
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Set the field error map of fieldname (String) to Collection of String error messages.
      Specified by:
      setFieldErrors in interface ValidationAware
      errorMap - field error map
    • getFieldErrors

      public Map<String,List<String>> getFieldErrors()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Get the field specific errors associated with this action. Error messages should not be added directly here, as implementations are free to return a new Collection or an Unmodifiable Collection.
      Specified by:
      getFieldErrors in interface ValidationAware
      Map with errors mapped from fieldname (String) to Collection of String error messages
    • getFullFieldName

      public String getFullFieldName(String fieldName)
      Description copied from interface: ValidatorContext
      Translates a simple field name into a full field name in OGNL syntax.
      Specified by:
      getFullFieldName in interface ValidatorContext
      fieldName - the field name to lookup.
      the full field name in OGNL syntax.
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Description copied from interface: LocaleProvider
      Gets the provided locale.
      Specified by:
      getLocale in interface LocaleProvider
      the locale.
    • isValidLocaleString

      public boolean isValidLocaleString(String localeStr)
      Description copied from interface: LocaleProvider
      Validates if provided string is a valid Locale
      Specified by:
      isValidLocaleString in interface LocaleProvider
      localeStr - a String representing locale, e.g. en_EN
      true if valid
    • isValidLocale

      public boolean isValidLocale(Locale locale)
      Description copied from interface: LocaleProvider
      Validates if provided Locale is value
      Specified by:
      isValidLocale in interface LocaleProvider
      locale - instance of Locale to validate
      true if valid
    • toLocale

      public Locale toLocale(String localeStr)
      Description copied from interface: LocaleProvider
      Tries to convert provided locale string into Locale or returns null
      Specified by:
      toLocale in interface LocaleProvider
      localeStr - a String representing locale, e.g.: en_EN
      instance of Locale or null
    • hasKey

      public boolean hasKey(String key)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Checks if a message key exists.
      Specified by:
      hasKey in interface TextProvider
      key - message key to check for
      boolean true if key exists, false otherwise.
    • getText

      public String getText(String aTextName)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a message key or if no message is found the provided key is returned.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      aTextName - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or the provided key if none is found.
    • getText

      public String getText(String aTextName, String defaultValue)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      aTextName - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      defaultValue - the default value which will be returned if no message is found
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or defaultValue if none is found
    • getText

      public String getText(String aTextName, String defaultValue, String obj)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied obj, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      aTextName - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      defaultValue - the default value which will be returned if no message is found
      obj - obj to be used in a MessageFormat message
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or defaultValue if none is found
    • getText

      public String getText(String aTextName, List<?> args)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat or the provided key if no message is found.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      aTextName - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      args - a list args to be used in a MessageFormat message
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or the provided key if none is found.
    • getText

      public String getText(String key, String[] args)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or the provided key if no message is found.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      key - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      args - an array args to be used in a MessageFormat message
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or the provided key if none is found.
    • getText

      public String getText(String aTextName, String defaultValue, List<?> args)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      aTextName - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      defaultValue - the default value which will be returned if no message is found
      args - a list args to be used in a MessageFormat message
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or defaultValue if none is found
    • getText

      public String getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      key - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      defaultValue - the default value which will be returned if no message is found
      args - an array args to be used in a MessageFormat message
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or defaultValue if none is found
    • getTexts

      public ResourceBundle getTexts(String aBundleName)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Get the named bundle, such as "com/acme/Foo".
      Specified by:
      getTexts in interface TextProvider
      aBundleName - the name of the resource bundle, such as "com/acme/Foo".
      the bundle
    • getText

      public String getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<?> args, ValueStack stack)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned. Instead of using the value stack in the ActionContext this version of the getText() method uses the provided value stack.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      key - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      defaultValue - the default value which will be returned if no message is found
      args - a list args to be used in a MessageFormat message
      stack - the value stack to use for finding the text
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or defaultValue if none is found
    • getText

      public String getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned. Instead of using the value stack in the ActionContext this version of the getText() method uses the provided value stack.
      Specified by:
      getText in interface TextProvider
      key - the resource bundle key that is to be searched for
      defaultValue - the default value which will be returned if no message is found
      args - an array args to be used in a MessageFormat message
      stack - the value stack to use for finding the text
      the message as found in the resource bundle, or defaultValue if none is found
    • getTexts

      public ResourceBundle getTexts()
      Description copied from interface: TextProvider
      Get the resource bundle associated with the implementing class (usually an action).
      Specified by:
      getTexts in interface TextProvider
      the bundle
    • addActionError

      public void addActionError(String anErrorMessage)
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Add an Action-level error message to this Action.
      Specified by:
      addActionError in interface ValidationAware
      anErrorMessage - the error message
    • addActionMessage

      public void addActionMessage(String aMessage)
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Add an Action-level message to this Action.
      Specified by:
      addActionMessage in interface ValidationAware
      aMessage - the message
    • addFieldError

      public void addFieldError(String fieldName, String errorMessage)
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Add an error message for a given field.
      Specified by:
      addFieldError in interface ValidationAware
      fieldName - name of field
      errorMessage - the error message
    • hasActionErrors

      public boolean hasActionErrors()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Check whether there are any Action-level error messages.
      Specified by:
      hasActionErrors in interface ValidationAware
      true if any Action-level error messages have been registered
    • hasActionMessages

      public boolean hasActionMessages()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Checks whether there are any Action-level messages.
      Specified by:
      hasActionMessages in interface ValidationAware
      true if any Action-level messages have been registered
    • hasErrors

      public boolean hasErrors()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Checks whether there are any action errors or field errors.
      Specified by:
      hasErrors in interface ValidationAware
      (hasActionErrors() || hasFieldErrors())
    • hasFieldErrors

      public boolean hasFieldErrors()
      Description copied from interface: ValidationAware
      Check whether there are any field errors associated with this action.
      Specified by:
      hasFieldErrors in interface ValidationAware
      whether there are any field errors
    • makeTextProvider

      public TextProvider makeTextProvider(Object object, TextProviderFactory textProviderFactory)
    • makeLocaleProvider

      protected static LocaleProvider makeLocaleProvider(Object object)
    • makeValidationAware

      protected static ValidationAware makeValidationAware(Object object)
    • setTextProvider

      protected void setTextProvider(TextProvider textProvider)
    • getTextProvider

      protected TextProvider getTextProvider()
    • setValidationAware

      protected void setValidationAware(ValidationAware validationAware)
    • getValidationAware

      protected ValidationAware getValidationAware()